Functional Skills
FUNCTIONAL SKILLS enables pupils to acquire and practise the skills they will require to navigate adult life. Literacy and numeracy are joined by ICT, as we recognise that our pupils are digital natives and live in a world where technology is all pervasive and increasingly relied upon for many different activities. The aim is always to find the real world context for a skill. This could be going to the shops to apply addition and subtraction in the context of money, reading and understanding a written recipe or filling in a personal statement as part of an online job application.
At The Collett School pupils in Year 11 study towards Entry Level accreditations in Functional Literacy, Functional Numeracy and ICT. Irrespective of the level achieved, developing functional skills helps pupils improve their problem solving and communication, as well as providing practical skills which will be used daily in adult life.
Across the school, pupils develop their skills following a spiral curriculum. Literacy skills will be covered multiple times across several academic years, each time looking to build on previous progress. In turn, this supports other areas of learning, improves pupil’s Life Skills and positively impacts on overall independence. The overall focus is always on functional literacy and preparing children for both the accreditations of Upper School and eventual adulthood. As much as possible reading and writing activities are linked to experiences and activities children have or will experience in the their everyday life. This helps provide pupils with context and meaning to their studies.
Reading activities take place daily in every class in addition to daily phonics activities. Phonics teaching follows the programme of Essential Letters and Sounds, to ensure consistency between classes and consolidated through the reading books schemes we use. Our children have many different reading profiles. Some of our children can read complex sentences and texts, yet face significant challenges in understanding the meaning of what they read. As such, specific interventions, levels of questioning and strategies to help them de-code text for cognition are key to planning for this child's progress in learning. The reverse if also true, with some pupil’s comprehension age exceeding their skills in decoding, requiring intervention and alternative technologies to support their access to texts. Support for whole word readers and those children requiring a different approach is provided by in-class differentiation, assisted by interventions from the Hive when required. In addition to physical books children also have individual logins to Reading Eggs which provides them with access to a virtual library of books, including books with audio support and additional online content.
Entry Level 1: Functional Literacy
The Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 1 indicates that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write with increasing clarity, accuracy and effectiveness. Learners should, with some direction and guidance, be able to apply these functional skills to informal and some formal contexts, in familiar situations.
Component 1: Speaking, Listening and Communicating Texts
Learners should practise different types of speaking, listening and communicating activities. This should include simple narratives, information and instructions; and short statements, explanations, discussions, questions and exchanges.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content |
E1.1 |
Say the names of the letters of the alphabet |
E1.2 |
Identify and extract the main information from short statements and explanations |
E1.3 |
Follow single-step instructions, asking for them to be repeated if necessary |
E1.4 |
Make requests and ask straightforward questions using appropriate terms and registers |
E1.5 |
Respond to questions about specific information |
E1.6 |
Make clear statements about basic information and communicate feelings and opinions on straightforward topics |
E1.7 |
Understand and participate in simple discussions or exchanges with another person about a straightforward topic |
Component 2: Reading Texts
Learners should practise reading different types of text. This should include short, simple texts that inform, describe and narrate.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content |
E1.8 |
Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 1 (see Annexe B) |
E1.9 |
Read simple sentences containing one clause |
E1.10 |
Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject |
Component 3: Writing Texts
Learners should practise writing different types of text. This should include short, simple texts such as messages and notes.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content (spelling, punctuation and grammar) |
E1.11 |
Punctuate simple sentences with a capital letter and a full stop |
E1.12 |
Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun ‘I’ and the first letter of proper nouns |
E1.13 |
Use lower-case letters when there is no reason to use capital letters |
E1.14 |
Write the letters of the alphabet in sequence and in both upper and lower case |
E1.15 |
Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 1 (see Annexe B) |
Content (composition) |
E1.16 |
Communicate information in words, phrases and simple sentences |
Entry Level 2: Functional Literacy
The Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 2 indicates that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write with increasing clarity, accuracy and effectiveness. Learners should, with some direction and guidance, be able to apply these functional skills to informal and some formal contexts, in familiar situations.
Component 1: Speaking, listening and communicating Texts
Learners should practise different types of speaking, listening and communicating activities. This should include short narratives and explanations and instructions, discussions and straightforward information and instructions.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content |
E2.1 |
Identify and extract the main information and detail from short explanations |
E2.2 |
Make requests and ask clear questions appropriately in different contexts |
E2.3 |
Respond appropriately to straightforward questions |
E2.4 |
Follow the gist of discussions |
E2.5 |
Clearly express straightforward information and communicate feelings and opinions on a range of straightforward topics |
E2.6 |
Make appropriate contributions to simple group discussions with others about a straightforward topic |
Component 2: Reading Texts
Learners should practise reading different types of text. This should include short, straightforward texts that instruct, inform, describe and narrate.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content |
E2.7 |
Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 2 (see Annexe C) |
E2.8 |
Understand the main points in texts |
E2.9 |
Understand organisational markers in short, straightforward texts |
E2.10 |
Use effective strategies to find the meaning of words and check their spelling (e.g. a simple dictionary, spell-checker) |
E2.11 |
Read and understand sentences with more than one clause |
E2.12 |
Use illustrations, images and captions to locate information |
Component 3: Writing Texts
Learners should practise writing different types of text. This should include short straightforward texts such as letters, e-mails and simple narratives.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content (spelling, punctuation and grammar) |
E2.13 |
Use basic punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks) |
E2.14 |
Form regular plurals |
E2.15 |
Use the first and second letters to sequence words in alphabetical order |
E2.16 |
Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 2 (see Annexe C) |
Content (composition) |
E2.17 |
Communicate information in words, phrases and simple sentences |
E2.18 |
Complete a form asking for personal information (e.g. first name, surname, address, postcode, age, date of birth) |
E2.19 |
Write in compound sentences, using common conjunctions (e.g. or, and, but) to connect clauses |
E2.20 |
Use adjectives and simple linking words in the appropriate way |
Entry Level 3: Functional Literacy
The Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 3 indicates that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write with increasing clarity, accuracy and effectiveness. Learners should, with some direction and guidance, be able to apply these functional skills to informal and some formal contexts, in familiar situations.
Component 1: Speaking, Listening and Communicating Texts
Learners should practise different types of speaking, listening and communicating activities. This should include straightforward narratives, accounts, explanations, discussions instructions, information and descriptions.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Learners must be able to: |
E3.1 |
Identify and extract relevant information and detail in straightforward explanations |
E3.2 |
Make requests and ask concise questions using appropriate language in different contexts |
E3.3 |
Communicate information and opinions clearly on a range of topics |
E3.4 |
Respond appropriately to questions on a range of straightforward topics |
E3.5 |
Follow and understand the main points of discussions |
E3.6 |
Make relevant contributions to group discussions about straightforward topics |
E3.7 |
Listen to and respond appropriately to other points of view, respecting conventions of turn-taking |
Component 2: Reading Texts
Learners should practise reading different types of text. This should include straightforward texts that instruct, describe, narrate and explain.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Learners must be able to: |
E3.8 |
Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 3 (see Annexe D) |
E3.9 |
Identify, understand and extract the main points and ideas in and from texts |
E3.10 |
Identify different purposes of straightforward texts |
E3.11 |
Use effective strategies to find the meaning of words (e.g. a dictionary, working out meaning from context; using knowledge of different word types) |
E3.12 |
Understand organisational features and use them to locate relevant information (e.g. contents, index, menus, tabs and links) |
Component 3: Writing Texts
Learners should practise writing different types of text. This should include straightforward texts such as narratives, instructions, explanations and reports.
By the end of the course, learners should be able to do the following.
Content (spelling, punctuation and grammar) |
E3.13 |
Use a range of punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas) |
E3.14 |
Form irregular plurals |
E3.15 |
Use mostly correct grammar (e.g. subject–verb agreement, consistent use of tense, definite and indefinite articles) |
E3.16 |
Use the first, second and third place letters to sequence words in alphabetical order |
E3.17 |
Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3 (see Annexe D) |
Content (composition) |
E3.18 |
Communicate information, ideas and opinions clearly and in a logical sequence (e.g. chronologically, by task) |
E3.19 |
Write text of an appropriate level of detail and of appropriate length (including where this is specified) |
E3.20 |
Use appropriate format and structure when writing straightforward texts, including the appropriate use of headings and bullet points |
E3.21 |
Write in compound sentences and paragraphs where appropriate |
E3.22 |
Use language appropriate for purpose and audience |
Functional Literacy Level 1
Edexcel's specifications for Functional Numeracy Level One
As with literacy the different areas of numeracy are covered through a spiral curriculum. Topics are repeatedly revisited, consolidating and building on the learning that has gone before. The focus is on the practical application of mathematical skills to real life with the aim of ensuring pupils go on to be as independent as possible in their adult lives, as well as preparing them for the accreditations they will take in Upper School.
Practical activities linked to pupils interests are key in ensuring engagement and motivation, which leads to progression. Life skills such as cooking, shopping, budgeting and using public transport all rely heavily on numeracy skills. As such numeracy lessons are often combined with other aspects of the curriculum to show pupils where the skills learned in school directly impact them.
Systematic thinking and problem solving are also a key focus, particularly in the context of the worded problems children are likely to encounter during their accreditations.
At the Collett we place a strong focus on supporting pupils to use and apply their numeracy skills as an important and functional part of their daily routines, for example during shopping trips or when following a recipe whilst cooking. Functional Numeracy is applied across the curriculum in order to ensure pupils can make connections between areas of study and, within our community as relevant and helpful knowledge/skill sets.
Our intent is that each student develops the mathematical skills that enable them to live as independently as possible.
Numeracy Topics:
- Money
- Time
- Measure
- Calculation
- Functional Fractions
- Direction
- Shape
- Data
- Problem solving
We teach mathematics daily and apply maths across other areas of the curriculum, such as cookery, horticulture, animal care and topic. Pupils use everyday technology to support them in independently applying their knowledge and understanding to real-life situations.
Functional Numeracy Accreditations
Entry Level One: Functional Numeracy
Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry Level 1
Learners at Entry Level 1 are expected to become confident in their use of fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills, as described through the following content areas, and demonstrate their understanding by applying their knowledge and skills to solve simple mathematical problems or carry out simple tasks.
Entry Level 1: Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers
- E1.1 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 20
- E1.2 Use whole numbers to count up to 20 items, including zero
- E1.3 Add numbers which total up to 20, and subtract numbers from numbers up to 20
- E1.4 Recognise and interpret the symbols +, – and = appropriately 2. Content area: Using common measures, shape and space Content
- E1.5 Recognise coins and notes and write them in numbers with the correct symbols (£ & p), where these involve numbers up to 20
- E1.6 Read 12-hour digital and analogue clocks in hours
- E1.7 Know the number of days in a week, months and seasons in a year; be able to name and sequence
- E1.8 Describe and make comparisons in words between measures of items including size, length, width, height, weight and capacity
- E1.9 Identify and recognise common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including circle, cube, rectangle (including square) and triangle
- E1.10 Use everyday positional vocabulary to describe position and direction, including left, right, in front, behind, under and above
Entry Level 1: Handing information and data
- E1.11 Read numerical information from lists
- E1.12 Sort and classify objects using a single criterion
- E1.13 Read and draw simple charts and diagrams, including a tally chart, block diagram/graph
Entry level 1: Solving mathematical problems and decision-making
Entry Level 1 learners are expected to be able to use the knowledge and skills listed above to recognise a simple mathematical problem and obtain a solution. A simple mathematical problem is one which requires working through one step or process. At Entry Level 1, it is expected that learners will be able to address individual problems, each of which draws on knowledge and/or skills from one mathematical content area (i.e. number and the number system; common measures, shape and space; information and data).
Entry Level Two: Functional Numeracy
Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry Level 2
Learners at Entry Level 2 are expected to become confident in their use of fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills, as described through the following content areas, and demonstrate their understanding by applying their knowledge and skills to solve simple mathematical problems or carry out simple tasks.
Entry Level 2: Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions and decimals
- E2.1 Count reliably up to 100 items
- E2.2 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 200
- E2.3 Recognise and sequence odd and even numbers up to 100
- E2.4 Recognise and interpret the symbols +, –, ×, ÷ and = appropriately
- E2.5 Add and subtract two-digit numbers
- E2.6 Multiply whole numbers in the range 0 × 0 to 12 × 12 (times tables)
- E2.7 Know the number of hours in a day and weeks in a year; be able to name and sequence
- E2.8 Divide two-digit whole numbers by single-digit whole numbers and express remainders
- E2.9 Approximate by rounding to the nearest 10, and use this rounded answer to check results
- E2.10 Recognise simple fractions (halves, quarters and tenths) of whole numbers and shapes
- E2.11 Read, write and use decimals to one decimal place
Entry Level 2: Using common measures, shape and space
- E2.12 Calculate money with pence up to one pound and in whole pounds of multiple items and write with the correct symbols (£ or p)
- E2.13 Read and record time in common date formats and read time displayed on analogue clocks in hours, half hours and quarter hours, and understand hours from a 24-hour digital clock
- E2.14 Use metric measures of length, including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres
- E2.15 Use measures of weight, including grams and kilograms
- E2.16 Use measures of capacity, including millilitres and litres
- E2.17 Read and compare positive temperatures
- E2.18 Read and use simple scales to the nearest labelled division
- E2.19 Recognise and name 2-D and 3-D shapes, including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids and spheres
- E2.20 Describe the properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including numbers of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles and base
- E2.21 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction, including between, inside, outside, middle, below, on top, forwards and backwards
Entry Level 2: Handing information and data
- E2.22 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams and bar charts
- E2.23 Make numerical comparisons from bar charts
- E2.24 Sort and classify objects using two criteria
- E2.25 Take information from one format and represent the information in another format, including use of bar charts
Entry Level 2 Solving mathematical problems and decision-making
Entry Level 2 learners are expected to be able to use the knowledge and skills listed above to recognise a simple problem and obtain a solution. A simple problem is one which requires working through one step or process. At Entry Level 2, it is expected that learners will be able to address individual problems, each of which draws on knowledge and/or skills from one mathematical content area (i.e. number and the number system; common measures, shape and space; information and data).
Entry Level Three: Functional Numeracy
Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry Level 3
Learners at Entry Level 3 are expected to become confident in their use of fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills, as described through the following content areas, and demonstrate their understanding by applying their knowledge and skills to solve simple mathematical problems or carry out simple tasks.
Entry Level 3: Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions and decimals
- E3.1 Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000
- E3.2 Add and subtract using three-digit whole numbers
- E3.3 Divide three-digit whole numbers by single- and double-digit whole numbers and express remainders
- E3.4 Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single- and double-digit whole numbers
- E3.5 Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100 and use this rounded answer to check results
- E3.6 Recognise and continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100
- E3.7 Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths, including equivalent forms
- E3.8 Read, write and use decimals up to two decimal places
- E3.9 Recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals
Entry Level 3: Using common measures, shape and space
- E3.10 Calculate with money using decimal notation and express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence
- E3.11 Round amounts of money to the nearest £1 or 10p
- E3.12 Read, measure and record time using am and pm
- E3.13 Read time from analogue and 24-hour digital clocks in hours and minutes
- E3.14 Use and compare measures of length, capacity, weight and temperature using metric or imperial units to the nearest labelled or unlabelled division
- E3.15 Compare metric measures of length, including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres E3.16 Compare measures of weight, including grams and kilograms
- E3.17 Compare measures of capacity, including millilitres and litres
- E3.18 Use a suitable instrument to measure mass and length
- E3.19 Sort 2-D and 3-D shapes using properties, including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles, including in rectangles and triangles
- E3.20 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction, including eight compass points and full/half/quarter turns
Entry Level 3: Handing information and data
- E3.21 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams and charts and create frequency tables
- E3.22 Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats, including bar charts and simple line graphs
- E3.23 Organise and represent information in appropriate ways, including tables, diagrams, simple line graphs and bar charts
Entry Level 3: Solving mathematical problems and decision-making
Entry Level 3 learners are expected to be able to use the knowledge and skills listed above to recognise a simple problem and obtain a solution. A simple problem is one which requires working through one step or process. At Entry Level 3, it is expected that learners will be able to address individual problems, each of which draws on knowledge and/or skills from one mathematical content area (i.e. number and the number system; common measures, shape and space; information and data).
Functional Numeracy Level 1
Edexcel's specifications for Functional Numeracy Level One
From emails to social media our pupils are ‘digital natives’ in a world that ICT continues to permeate to an ever-increasing degree. It is imperative that we empower our pupils to thrive in this digital landscape, equipping them with knowledge and skills that future employers will value as well as an understanding of how to stay safe as a citizen of the digital world. For ICT to be useful, learners must have the skills and confidence to apply, combine and adapt their ICT knowledge to new situations in their life and work. The capacity to identify and understand the role ICT plays in the world is crucial in enabling learners to function as effective citizens.
Classes throughout the school use technology to support learning. Online learning platforms such as IXL and Reading Eggs enable pupils to focus on key functional skills, accessing learning from home as well as in the classroom. Writing is supported by Clicker and Symwriter, adding picture and symbol support to aid in grasping meaning and expanding vocabulary. Where appropriate pupil’s are taught to use online games and resources to practice skills learnt during whole class teaching, embedding new concepts and overlearning existing ones.
As pupils move into Upper School the focus of ICT moves towards developing skill sets with specific aspects of technology. Communicating via email, researching topics online, the use of word processing and presentation software are all. In year 10/11 pupils produce portfolios of evidence to achieve an entry level qualification in ICT. Above all the goal is to ensure that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world
WJEC Entry Pathways for IT Users
The WJEC suite of Entry Level Certificates and Awards is provided within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), which is designed to provide learners, learning providers and employers with an inclusive and flexible regulated qualifications framework that recognises the widest possible range of quality-assured learner achievements. Consistent with the principles of the QCF, these Entry Level qualifications aim to be:
Inclusive – recognising the achievements of all learners at Entry Level through a standard currency of awarding credit
Responsive – enabling individuals and centres to establish routes to achievement that are appropriate to their needs and facilitate progression
Accessible – based on clear design features that are easy for all users to understand
Qualifications in the WJEC Entry Pathways for IT Users are available at four levels:
- Entry 1
- Entry 2
- Entry 3
- Level 1
And at two sizes:
- Award (8 or more credits)
- Certificate (13 or more credits)
Pupils complete coursework in a range of modules to create a portfolio. This is then used as evidence to earn the credits for either an Award (8 credits) or a Certificate (13 credits) at the desired level.