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Open Mornings 

You are welcome to visit our school on one of our monthly Open Mornings. However, due to restricted numbers it is vital that you book with us. Please call 01442 398988 or email to reserve your place. We ask that in the first instance you do not bring your child with you as our tours are for adults only.

Admissions Process

The Collett School is a Special Educational Needs School for children with Learning Disabilities.  The Collett School is not its own admissions authority. Only children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) are placed here by Hertfordshire Local Authority Special Needs (SN) Team.  Our children are aged 4-16 and have SEND needs including Moderate Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language Communication Disorders and Autism.  Entry to the school can be at any age and pupils join our school from neighbouring counties.

The Collett School Admissions Policy

Statutory Information Documents and Websites:

Hertfordshire LA's SEND Strategy

The Hertfordshire Local Offer

Hertfordshire Admissions Guidance (2016)

DfE: Applying for Transport for children with SEND

Hertfordshire LA's School Admission

Advice and Support


SENDIASS is an impartial information, advice and support service funded by Hertfordshire County Council for parents, carers, young people (0-25) and professionals. The service offers a personalised confidential service to help parents understand how special educational needs are assessed and managed, so that they can make informed educational choices. Click to find out more about SENDIASS information and resources.